
Oh My!

Rev. George Rozum C.S.C.
The Basics

So you got put into Alumni. What does this mean? Why does Alumni use Greek letters? What even is this coat of arms? Get the rundown on Alumni Hall here.

Get the Facts
Dorm Life

Okay, so you're here. You may be asking: “What should I expect? How do I live with no AC? Will I be able to make friends? Will I get along with my roommate?” No worries, we got you covered.

Living in Alumni
Hall Staff

Meet the men who help Alumni Hall be the best dorm on campus. From the legend of FGR to figuring out who your RA is, check out the staff here.

Meet the Men

Faith Life

The mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart.

Bl. Basil Moreau C.S.C.

Whether you're Catholic or non-religious, all are welcome to join us in the liturgy. No matter where you are in your journey of faith, we're here with and for each other.

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Who let the dawgs out? Alumni let the dawgs out!

Alumni Hall

Fancy yourself an athletic dawg? Interested in getting involved in intermural or interhall sports? From section tournaments to winning it all, we got you covered.

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